Zero to Hero: Day 28

Day 28: Find the post that has received the most views, likes, or comments, and write a related follow-up post. 

Perhaps my most popular post over the past nearly 30 days on theotherpalette was  “Siena revisited” on Days 17 and 18, and it was also my happy introduction to Magdalena and her wonderful Just Visit Siena site.  I thought I would make my follow-up post about our visit to the Abbey of St Antimo, a former Benedictine Monastry in the commune of Montalcino in Tuscany.  On a day trip from Siena we took an unforgettable 10 kilometer walk through the magnificent Tuscan country side to reach St Antimo.  Enjoy the pictures and listen to the beautiful Gregorian chant, “Haec Dies” from “Mysterium” a recording made in the Abbey in April 1995 by the five fathers of the Communita die Canonici Regolari di Sant’Antimo.

Zero to Hero: Days 17 & 18

Siena revisited

Siena v

Having commented and activated a link to my twitter account I thought I would post something that came out of a happy meeting from my blog travels and comments yesterday.  Siena is a city we love and have visited on two separate occasions.  Its history, beauty, art and people make it a very special place indeed. How happy I was to come across Magdalena’s wonderful blog Just Visit Siena ! Everything you could ever want to know about this beautiful city is here.  Explore Magdalena’s blog and you will be on the next plane, train or automobile!

Here is my comment to Magdalena:

So happy to have found your blog of one of my favourite cities; so many wonderful memories. I will never forget the remarkable frescoes by Domenico di Bartoli in the Ospedale Santa Maria della Scala. Looking forward to following you and to returning to your beautiful city again one day.

And here are a few of our photo memories to encourage you to go: